Boonie Bears bring family together in upcoming sequel

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Boonie Bears bring family together in upcoming sequel

2024-01-14 11:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

A scene in the movie. [Photo provided to China Daily]

As one of the longest running animated film franchises in China, Boonie Bears — the famous anthropomorphic bear siblings — will see their ninth and latest installment hit domestic theaters on the first day of the Year of the Rabbit, Jan 22.

In the upcoming sequel, Boonie Bears: Guardian Code, the titular bear brothers unexpectedly discover a clue related to their missing mother, who was lost in a forest fire many years ago. Briar and Bramble, the bear siblings, embark on an adventure to seek the reunion that they have been yearning for a long time.

The new Boonie Bears sequel centers on family reunion. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Recently, the movie held a exclusive preview in Beijing, gathering major creators and some veteran industry insiders to attend an online symposium.

The producers revealed that the new tale has employed a realistic narration to unveil the bears' mother, who has always remained as a "mysterious figure" in their past stories.

Rao Shuguang, president of the China Film Critics Association, said the new movie's theme about family affection and reunion will resonate with audiences after the country has fought against the pandemic for three years.

Yan Shaofei, secretary-general of China Film Association, said the Boonie Bear franchise has grossed a total box office of more than 4 billion yuan ($597.2 million), indicating a huge potential in the Chinese animated movie market.

Boonie Bears' latest sequel Guardian Code will debut domestically on Jan 22. [Photo provided to China Daily]




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